Saturday, November 24, 2018

Aztec Civilisation wonders

From the FB timeline of Sangram Chakravarti:

Most people think that the Spaniards came to teach the Indians culture, architecture, traditions, music, art, etc., but how true is all this?

Next we will see it:

* HYGIENE If the Aztecs had conquered Spain and not the other way around, they would have taught the Spaniards, to bathe TWICE A DAY, and not once a week.

* MEDICINE The Aztec herbalist at that time was the most advanced in the world, the indigenous "savages" had their medical school, where there were different branches: internal medicine (Tlamatepatli), surgeon (texoxotla), hematologist (tezoc-tezoani), et cetera, they knew the causes of diseases, epidemics and how to cure them, knew how to use suppositories, ointments, powders, swish and suckers.

*ARCHITECTURE. There are still hundreds of examples of urbanism, engineering, and architecture in all America, call Teotihuacan, Tula, Xochicalco, Tenayuca, etc., all have a greater complexity than the pyramids of Egypt, and even with all this, the Spaniards considered that They were made by "savages".

* ASTRONOMY AND MATHEMATICS. The Mayans were those who contributed to the world of mathematics the number "zero", coupled with the calendar more accurate than the European, the Mayans had a very advanced astronomy, with respect to the invaders of the East.

*FARMING. The agriculture of the Indians had managed to cultivate thousands of hectares with a unique system in the ancient world, the "chinampas" or agriculture in the water with artificial islands, true floating gardens.

*ART. The indigenous works in cloth, clay or the different metals, wood, feathers, left the Europeans speechless for their perfection and beauty, in America, paper was made centuries before the conquest, using the bark of the tree, and in that paper it was they made books and the famous "codices."

*MUSIC. The Spaniards did not understand the importance of music either; the natives elaborated poems and songs to love and friendship, as well as coexistence with nature.

* ECONOMY AND COMMERCE. No civilization had developed so much commerce as the Incas and the Aztecs, its market reached Nicaragua, and they had a self-sufficient and organized economy, when in Spain they did not know what drainage was.

(Joaquin Chavez)

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