Friday, February 14, 2020

অহমিয়া বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদের কিছু ইতিহাস: জ্যোতির্ময় হাজরা

অসম আন্দোলনের ঐতিহাসিক পরম্পরা নিয়ে কিছু জেনে নিতে হয় পড়াশুনা করতে হবে নইলে প্রবীণ কোনও অসমীয়া অস্মিতার কাছে যেতে হবে । অসমে NRC চালুর দাবী উঠেছিল ১৯৪৮ এ স্বাধীনতার পরপরই । বস্তুতঃ এ দাবী উঠেছিলো ১৯০৫ এর বঙ্গভঙ্গ এর সময় থেকেই যখন মুসলিম প্রধান অধুনা পূর্ববঙ্গের সঙ্গে সে সময় অসম কে যুক্ত করে প্রদেশ তৈরি হয়েছিলো । ১৯১১ তে সেই বঙ্গভঙ্গ রদ হওয়ার পর অসমবাসি ঠিকই করে নিয়েছিলো , অসম অস্মিতার স্বার্থে বাঙ্গালী ও মুসলিম প্রভাব তারা দূর করবে । এরই সঙ্গে পুরোনো অসম ভেঙ্গে স্বাধীনতার পর যখন অন্যান্য জনজাতিকে মুক্তি দিয়ে সেভেন সিশ্টার্স হয় তখন থেকেই অসমবাসি নিজেদের স্বাতন্ত্র্যের পথ খুঁজতে থাকে । ১৯৫৫ এর নাগরিকত্বের আইন তৈরির সময়ও এই দাবী অসম বাসির ছিলো যে তাদের নাগরিক পঞ্জিতে পরিবারের শুধুমাত্র জন্ম ও মৃত্যু লিপিবদ্ধ হবে , কোনও নতুন পরিবার এর বাইরে আসবে না । অসমের NRC র সঙ্গে সাম্প্রতিক NRC আলোচনার এটাই পার্থ্যক্য । অসমের ক্ষেত্রে বলা হয়েছিলো updation . সব রাজনৈতিক দলই এটা জানে , সেজন্যই তাঁরা বলেন অসমের এক পৃথক প্রেক্ষাপট আছে । এর ভিত্তিবর্ষ, তাদের দাবী ছিলো ১৯৫০ । তাদের আন্দোলনের বর্শামুখ ছিলো , বিশেষতঃ ষাটের দশকে বাঙালি ও মুসলমান । এর পিছনে অবাঙালি উত্তরভারতের ব্যবসায়ীদের মদত ছিলো প্রকাশ্য । উত্তরপূর্বের ব্রিটিশ পূর্ব কাল থেকে ব্যবসা , চাকরি ইত্যাদিতে দখল ছিলো বাংলা ভাষী হিন্দুদের । সেই দখল কে বেদখল করার জন্য উত্তর ভারতের ব্যবসায়ীরা এক যৌক্তিক আন্দোলনের আগুনে ঘী ঢেলে গেলেন । বাংলা ভাষার জন্য প্রাণ দান প্রথম ঘ্টেছে অসমে । অসমীয়া দের হাতে বাঙালি উত্পীড়নের যা ঘ্ট্ণা ঘ্টেছে তা ঘ্টেছে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে নিগৃহীত বাঙালি দের সঙ্গে সমান তালে । কিন্তু চাড্ডি বা বিজেপিরা তাদের উত্তরভারতীয় ব্যবসায়ী বন্ধুদের স্বার্থে ততোটাই চুপ করে থাকে যতোটা গলা চড়ায় পূর্ব পাকিস্তান বা বাংলাদেশের সম্পর্কে ।
আসু' র হাতে প্রায় ৫৪ জন সিপিআইএম কর্মী এই ভাষা আন্দোলনের পর্যাযে প্রাণ দিয়েছে কারণ এরা দাবী করেছিলো ভিত্তিবর্ষ ১৯৫০ এর বদলে ১৯৭১ করা হোক ।
১৯৮৫ এর রাজীব চুক্তির ফলে ভিত্তিবর্ষ ১৯৭১ তে সরে আসার কারণে প্রায় ৬০ লাখ অসমীয়া উদ্বাস্তু আবার ঘরছাড়া হতে বাঁচে । ক্ষিপ্ত আসু কুকুরের গলায় জ্যোতিবাবুর নামে প্লাকার্ড ঝোলায ।
সুতরাং সিপিআইএম এর খুঁত না খুঁজে অসমের NRC আন্দোলনের প্রেক্ষাপট জানুন । অসমে যখন সিপিআইএম কে বাঙ্গালীদের পার্টি বলে খুন করা হচ্ছে , বাড়ী পোড়ানো হচ্ছে তখন সেই সব বিপ্লবীরা চুপ মেরে ছিলো আজ যারা গলার শিরা তুলছে , শিলচরের বিমানবন্দরে নাটক করছে ।
১৯৮৪ এর কংগ্রেসি এম পি মমতা ।
১৯৮৫ এ রাজীব চুক্তি ।
২০০৩ এ বাজপেয়ী সরকারের মন্ত্রী মমতা যখন NRC র বর্তমান প্রয়োগ বিধি তৈরি হয় ।
২০০৫ এ কাগজ ছুঁড়ে প্রকারান্তরে NRC র দাবিকে জোরদার করে মমতা ।
আর এখন ? ?
এবার আপনিই বলুন ॥

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Aztec Civilisation wonders

From the FB timeline of Sangram Chakravarti:

Most people think that the Spaniards came to teach the Indians culture, architecture, traditions, music, art, etc., but how true is all this?

Next we will see it:

* HYGIENE If the Aztecs had conquered Spain and not the other way around, they would have taught the Spaniards, to bathe TWICE A DAY, and not once a week.

* MEDICINE The Aztec herbalist at that time was the most advanced in the world, the indigenous "savages" had their medical school, where there were different branches: internal medicine (Tlamatepatli), surgeon (texoxotla), hematologist (tezoc-tezoani), et cetera, they knew the causes of diseases, epidemics and how to cure them, knew how to use suppositories, ointments, powders, swish and suckers.

*ARCHITECTURE. There are still hundreds of examples of urbanism, engineering, and architecture in all America, call Teotihuacan, Tula, Xochicalco, Tenayuca, etc., all have a greater complexity than the pyramids of Egypt, and even with all this, the Spaniards considered that They were made by "savages".

* ASTRONOMY AND MATHEMATICS. The Mayans were those who contributed to the world of mathematics the number "zero", coupled with the calendar more accurate than the European, the Mayans had a very advanced astronomy, with respect to the invaders of the East.

*FARMING. The agriculture of the Indians had managed to cultivate thousands of hectares with a unique system in the ancient world, the "chinampas" or agriculture in the water with artificial islands, true floating gardens.

*ART. The indigenous works in cloth, clay or the different metals, wood, feathers, left the Europeans speechless for their perfection and beauty, in America, paper was made centuries before the conquest, using the bark of the tree, and in that paper it was they made books and the famous "codices."

*MUSIC. The Spaniards did not understand the importance of music either; the natives elaborated poems and songs to love and friendship, as well as coexistence with nature.

* ECONOMY AND COMMERCE. No civilization had developed so much commerce as the Incas and the Aztecs, its market reached Nicaragua, and they had a self-sufficient and organized economy, when in Spain they did not know what drainage was.

(Joaquin Chavez)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Touching the Frontiers of Physics

When Albert Einstein postulated his revolutionary Special Theory of Relativity, much of the world could make sense out of it, for it was only a revolutionary step forward. The scientific community in particular and the educated world in general did not find it too hard to comprehend the theories of Einstein. Remember that the French Mathematician Henri Poincare also arrived at the same formulations almost simultaneously. Only his understanding of the new formulations were more mathematical, while those of Einstein belonged more to Physics. His concept of space time but still remained abstruse

However, despite that fact that Riemann, Gauss and Lobachevsky made pioneering contribution to non-Euclidean geometry of curved space, calculus of tensors etc; being a classical physicist, Ernst Mach also contributed to this nascent understanding of space with that of gravitation; this branch of knowledge and utility of mathematical tool remained in the realm of obscurity and limited only to the use of cartography.

Einstein made the sweeping and revolutionanry utilization of this obscure branch of mathematics when he almost single-handedly made the giant leap forward from the Special theory to the all encompassing General theory of Relativity.

However, except for the British seafaring confirmation of bending of a distant star’s light rays by the gravity of the sun and explanation for the wobbling orbit of the Mercury, no easily confirmable event/ experiment was possible to generate interest in this theory; so mathematically complex, difficult to comprehend and far from commonplace to generate an interest among the general public. Its concepts were so outworldly, that it was nearly impossible to explain it in non-technical manner to a common man. It was remarked by Sir Arthur Eddington, the renowned British Astro-Physicist that apart from Einstein, only he understood it. It was another issue that Sir Eddington, like the worst colonial Master, suppressed the pioneering contribution to gravitational collapse; which comes by overpowering of the relative velocities between particles as caused by the working of the Pauli’s Exclusion Principle; as propounded by Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar, which ultimately led to the understanding of the phenomenon of Black holes.

Subsequent to that and especially from the 1960s when Prof. Stephen Hawking formulated his famous Singularity Theorems, taking cue from the discovery of the well-known astronomer Sir Edwin Hubble, the word Big Bang generated lots of interest in the implications of the General Theory of Relativity among the Scientific community and then among the general public as well, on account of the philosophical & religious connotations - creation and destruction of the universe.

This led to many of the universities getting students and researchers on the difficult topic of general theory of relativity. Parallelly, there were the leaping growth in the understanding in and technological developments through Quantum Mechanics. Also there was the Nobel winning discovery of Prof. Salam and Steven Weinberg – of Unification of Weak Interaction with Electro - Magnetism. Meanwhile, remarkable improvements both in the capacity and versatility of Particle Accelerators and telescopes supplied lots of scientific data, confirmation of theories through experiment and knowledge of unusual objects and events in the depths of space or more precisely in space-time were available. This led to a sizable population of researchers, students, experimental scientists, science journalists and their readers as well as some superficial appreciation cum familiarity among the general public all over the world, even those who never have had a formal science education.

Therefore, all the scientific theories, most important and abstruse of them being the General Theory of Relativity, which were obscure and out of the reach of imagination of the layman, have started to melt now. Easier explanations, popular scientific essays, lectures, discourses, scientific documentaries of Discovery, National Geographic and BBC have brought such outworldly concepts to the drawing room and even to the roadside discussion corners in poor 3rd world countries.

Frontiers of Physics and frontiers of popular understanding of the remarkable recent developments of Physics are therefore in an interesting cat and mouse game now. Whereas physicists like Stephen Hawking and many others who have made similar path breaking contribution e.g. N=8 super gravity, heterotic superstrings, M-theory, p-branes some of them have also written best-sellers like “A Brief History of Time”, “Black holes & Baby universes” and “Quest for a Theory of Everything”. These helped popular understanding of such exotic ideas and whetted interests into the depths of such abstract concepts about the unperceivable world. This interaction sustains and strengthens the claims to the rightful existence of the profession called “Theoretical Physicist”.

The point of interest for this blogger is however, whether the layperson may contribute anything at all to this great mental expedition and adventure into the ultimate understanding of the deepest of the mysteries of existence, of being, of the universe. This expedition is perhaps no less challenging than those into the new worlds of America and unknown Africa by Columbus and Vasco-da-Gama.

The fruit of this mental venture as expected by the theoretical physicist of the day is the coveted “Theory of Everything”. This is supposed to explain and account for all that is meant by existence, of nature of being. It should answer the meaning and reasons of existence and coming into being of all forms of matter and energy, explain why it is as it is, as well as interactions between them and the mediums, of such interactions, what are all these made of etc.

It may not be very impractical to imagine that in such a grand cerebral venture, it is only the professional theoretical physicist who should be able to contribute just because of his training in mathematical tools of analysis and development of mathematical models for observed problems and phenomena whose quantitative relationships and dynamics have to be logically and precisely described.

The layman reader of modern developments in Physics may very well be able to think in a completely non-conventional way. It is because many of the path breaking concepts in unifying the too great but opposite theories in modern physics i.e. the General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics depended more on the intuitive and imaginationary competence of the theoretical physicist. Just consider the concepts of imaginary time and the theory of p-branes. The importance of mathematical model building comes only next. It is here that perhaps the lay reader of popular physics literature may help - by suggesting intuitive new ideas and radically, in a maverick way going beyond the mind sets formed by hitherto achieved consistent mathematical tools and models. Surely most of the concepts or ideas forwarded by laymen would come unstuck. But even if one in a hundred opens a new vista, it would be a great tribute to the strenuous efforts made by the theoretical physicist in popularizing science.

If nothing, an explanation of how time spaces out or space times in (as proposed by this blogger in another piece on this topic) may contribute to making such difficult concepts, dwelling outside the realm of sense perception, more perceptible to lay reader of popular physics literature . It is another matter if such understanding and visualisation of extra-sense perception based concepts and explanations catalyse and finally culminate into new and novel concepts. This would help sustain interest in the developments of novel concepts in Physics. It brings ivory towers down to the level of understanding and appreciation. That generates popular support as now available to the kind of costly experimental projects in Physics like those of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This means prestige and social acceptability of research career in Theoretical Physics.

Prof Hawking is on record confirming that the received elaborate queries, comments and suggestions from his readers - for his books like the “Brief History of Time”, “Black Holes & Baby Universes” – about some of the most hard to digest concepts like “ imaginary time “ and “Hawking Radiation”. Emission from Black Holes - or in other words evaporation of Black Holes – is another case in point where he put accepted and well – ensconced theories on their heads. Queries from his readers must have helped him to be conceptually more clear and daring about these outworldly concepts. For ultimately every scientific theory has to be brought to the common people to sustain its further development by research.

“Imaginary time” was initially billed by Prof. Hawking as a mere mathematical trick (based on the well defined mathematical concept of imaginary numbers)

It was later on advertised by him as a great intellectual discovery of the order of that of Earth rotating around the sun. Here he cast doubts on the concepts of real time - time as we see in ordinary life – by exposing its limitations in executing the task of summing over histories. Clarity of concepts and liquefying complex ideas, which is therefore a two way process now must have become an important but rather unappreciated catalyst in developing new and path-breaking ideas in theoretical physics towards its quest for a “Theory of Everything”

Lastly but not the least, is the contribution that may possibly have come from science fiction writing and firing of imagination of its readers. Conceded, any novel imaginary idea of the Science fiction writer and its reader has to reach the professional scientist to give such a conception a proper theoretical shape and support of a mathematical model. It may not be out of place to recall that some very useful innovations of the modern space travel - fasteners of belts etc., came from Hollywood filming of science fictions.

To conclude, it appears that successful progress towards a “Theory of Everything” depends on an ever widening base of students and researchers where even the most abstruse and complex mathematical equations and formulations come intelligible with improved and easy to handle mathematical tools and techniques. Where an increasing population of laymen come to appreciate the most abstract and impercievable ideas as scientists and science journalists also work to bring such ideas to the common people. As common people understand the importance and support more and more of costly experiment machines like LHCs. Success of theoretical physics thus depends not just on scientific heroes like Prof Hawking but also their even - increasing no. of admirers.

[Softcopy generation by Ms. Dimple Tyagi; responsibility of all errors is however mine]

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A conspicuous companion

(I wrote this piece as an impressional attempt about a Rajasthani’s face, appearing in a full-page ad in the Times of India sometime in 1990 – to express the feelings I experienced at that point of time. I hope you will find it interesting as a pastime; unfortunately the very ad is no longer with me – in fact the credit goes to my mother in preserving this piece in her beautiful handwriting; otherwise, even this would not have seen the light of this day)

A mood of melancholy oozes out of his transparent grey eyes glimmering dimly against the setting sun. It has lit up a side of his bold imposing countenance. On it the imprint of majesty is unmistakable. Of course it is the only remnant of a glorious past. His distinctive attire - a chequered turban, whiskers spiraling upwards and his beard brushed upwards too away from the middle of his chin along the sideburns would help you single him out from the midst of any admixturous rabble. His stately non-chalance confirms that the days of yore have deserted him. Those days of valour, pride and chivalry, so lofty and sublime yet gorgeous- in the midst of that inhospitable Jaisalmer desert. It was left only for Colonel Todd and Abanindranath Tagore to recount his ancestral anecdotes. On the other hand what does the darker side connote? Does it not insinuate darkness immediately below the lamp? Did not the indomitable Rajput Spirit also unleash the nastiest feudal oppression on a hapless peasantry? Did not their boisterous machismo trample so many Roop Kanwars over as many years? Probable. That is why he is unable to put brave face up to the setting sun

Anyway he is now consigned to a seemingly serene and unobtrusive existence to just one side of my cramped and stuffed room. Indeed in sharp contrast to the wide undulating expanses of his native sandy dunes. He cannot help it. After all, he is just a two dimensional entity courtesy the Times of India. In it he too modeled for a cigarette ad the other day. That was how the introduction went and since then apparently he did not find it difficult to perch himself on to me. As for me, divining the mind and mood of this singular personality has become an absorbing pastime. Strange enough, sometimes I feel myself to be in perfect unison with the ethos that surrounds him. Reclining on the back of my chair, I fight off occasional boredom fathoming the depths of a tradition of several centuries he epitomizes. But enough is enough, I must be stretching the limits of your patience. So let me rest my pen that you may ignite your imagination and activate your brain.

(Typing, formatting & editing – courtesy Ms. Dimple Tyagi; responsibility for errors if any is however mine)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pricks on the question of Quantum Mechanics of Black Holes

# What caused the unimaginably high temperature at the time of the big bang singularity, which was concentrated at the unimaginably small dimensions at that time?

# In a black hole singularity, the event horizon does not let any energy (photons) to get away from it: so how could the big band singularity allow so much of energy and matter to move away from one another? Was there no event horizon? Was the big bang singularity naked?

# What could be the nature of matter within a singularity? Do all the probability waves associated with all the particles compressed into the singularity get joined and acquire relevance and meaning only over a region of space time far smaller than even the dimensions of subatomic particles?

# How far does the nature of matter within a black hole type of singularity differ from the known forms of matter? It is because while the mass of black holes still remain perceptible through its gravitational effects but the wave properties of the black hole mass/energy go outside the possibility of measurement/perception/ detection because of the event horizon-from which no photon can escape.

# How does Hawking radiation affect the event horizon of a black hole? Why does the space time curvature change so very rapidly near the event horizon of a black hole so much so that particle-anti-particle pairs are generated out of the quantum fluctuations of force fields outside the event horizons? Why does/or how can change in the value of space-time curvature (which is caused by gravity) cause quantum fluctuations in the force fields of types not related to independent of gravity?

# Does the theory of Quantum Gravity attempt to link the electric charges of electrons and protons with that of the gravitational mass of these particles, particularly when these are compressed inside a black hole singularity? How far is the net electric charge of a given mass of particles indestructible?

# Prof Stephen Hawking has postulated that a black hole, after losing a critical amount of mass, through processes like Hawking radiation ends up with violent outburst. Is the critical limit somewhat same as the "Chandrasekhar Limit" of two solar masses? Does the final violent outburst occur on account of the operation the "Pauli's Exclusion Principle"?

# Energy expenditure through axial jets and swirling and spiraling dust and debris moving at the speed of light to fall into a black hole consumes and saps away lot of energy from a black hole, Is that factor more important in evaporation of a black hole than that by the factor of Hawking radiation?

# Normally a black hole, especially those at the galactic centers of a spiral galaxy, nest in lot of interstellar dust and debris, whose movements extort lot of energy away from a black hole: Is it possible then for the mass, energy or value of force fields neighbouring a black hole to be near zero, so that its quantum fluctuations would become important for Hawking radiation to occur?

(softcopy generation and editing: Ms. Ritika Manchanda, all errors are however my responsibility)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Languages & Nationalities in India

Safdar Hashmi Samaroha & EMS Centenary lecture

Dt. 03.03.2010, Muktadhara Auditorium Near Gol Market, New Delhi.

Com Chanchal Chauhan of Lok Lahar(Hindi) presided over

Speaker; Com. Prakash Karat, General Secretary CPI-M:-

Communists' position and record of activities:-

[Initial tributes were paid to Com.EMS- as the leader who married Marxist Theory to actual political practice - he also demonstrated as to how communists should participate in parliamentary politics]

Recognition of linguistic nationalities aspirations:

Com.EMS was the first theoretician to study the historical evolution of the Malayali nationality- showed how agrarian relations shaped development of the Malayali culture and language in the Princely stated of Malabar and Travancore- Cochin; emphasis on the malayali identity was therefore a means to rally the peasantry of what is now known as modern Kerala, into the common struggle against feudalism and the overall anti-imperialist and anti- colonial struggle.

Com.EMS as a member of the Malabar tenancy Reform Committee- in his minutes of dissent advocated abolition of landlordism in Malabar and Travancore- Cochin States- the feudal Jammi system- championed the slogan that all Malayalis should be in a Malayala speaking state.

Communists elsewhere also pressed for the necessity of recognition of different linguistic nationalities in India- a major plank of the anti- imperialist & anti- feudal struggle.

Communists understood that the masses - mostly the peasantry in colonial India - can be brought easily to the common anti - colonial cum anti - feudal struggle only with a linguistic consciousness.

A pan- Indian identity consciousness- the necessary ingredient for freedom struggle- could develop as a culmination f the provincial linguistic consciousnesses serving as a backdrop of local struggles.

Communists recognized the process of development of linguistic identities in the feudal pre-colonial India -> with development of commerce - primarily money- lending over different regions - also as a result of the Bhakti Movement. However nationalities fully develop only with the development of capitalism - development of nation - states is possible only with the advent of capitalism.

In 1920, under inspiration of Gandhiji - in the Nagpur AICC session - Congress reorganized its Provincial Committees on linguistic lines- negating the British imperialist administrative divisions of India into admixtureous provinces and princely states in total disregard of the linguistic identities.

Around 1946, Com P Sundarayya called for Vishalandhra and Com Bhabani Sen called for Natun Bangla (New Bengal) - linguistic states as a base for the anti- imperialist/ feudal struggle.

Attitude of the Big Bourgeois:

Immediately after independence:

Though Congress set up a Committee under Motilal Nehru in 1920 for reorganisation of Indian provinces on linguistic lines- it started going back on its promise after Independence - citing partition as an excuse and displaying the specter of further vivisection of the country now on linguistic lines.

The Jawahar Lal Nehru + Vallabh Bhai Patel + Pattabhi Sitaramaiah Committee set up immediately after independence(in 1947) wanted to negate the demand for creation of linguistic states - as a diversionary tactic proposed postponement of formation of linguistic states for a period of 10 years.

However big movements for reorganization of states on linguistic lines viz. Vishalandhra, Samyukta Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala swept the country by 1953 - these were mostly led by the communists - Congress was unable to prevent this tide.

Even before 1953 there existed a small Andhra Pradesh - The states Reorganisation Committee (SRC) recommended an Andhra Pradesh sans Hyderabad, Bombay Province (Maharashtra & Gujarat)

The Morarji Desai Govt. shot dead scores of people on the streets of Bombay for demanding separate Gujarat and Maharashtra.

SRC also turned down formation of a Punjabi Saba. However the cause of formation of linguistic states triumphed finally with the formation of such states even in the North Eastern Region.

Anti- communist forces presently seek to interpret CPI-M opposition to smaller states as a means to prevent creation of Gorkhaland. That is as to how the opposition of CPI-M to TELENGANA formation is being portrayed.

The big bourgeois earlier distrusted formation of linguistic states as it favoured a countrywide common homogenous market with un- impeded access to any location. RSS also opposed formation of linguistic states on the plea of stopping vivisection of the country, as it regards India as an uniform ancient nation.

Big Bourgeois position as of now i.e. since 2000:

Because of strong development of capitalism mostly in linguistic states like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra and Maharashtra compared to the non- linguistic Hindi speaking states, the Big- Bourgeois is no longer that strongly averse to formation of linguistic states

On the contrary the big bourgeois now prefers formation of even smaller states like Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand etc. where it can buy up/ suborn Govt. and get license to loot natural resources.

Smaller states like those in the NE Region are always dependent on central Govt. largesse. Politicians in those states therefore always have to switch sides with change of guard at the Central Govt.

Big linguistic states are more coherent and independent and can therefore reflect the democratic aspirations of their population.

Linguistic fissipareousness originating from regional backwardness:

Capitalist development with its lopsidedness- especially the accelerated pace of post- independence capitalist development generates so many advanced and backward states and similar disparities within a state. Thus we have historically backward regions like Vidarbha and Telengana experiencing demand for statehood- whereas Telengana autonomy resolutions were never seriously taken up.

the Liberalisation – Globalisation - Privatisation policies have generated cut-throat competition – it fractured petit bourgeois as a class – generated a fissured identity- encourages in some strata, a manufactured identity - which fuels an illusory hope of advancement through smaller statehoods

Hindi Regions are a particular case in point – no linguistic nationality concept is developed here - people here are either straightaway : Indian or Bundelkhandi, Awadhi etc. - no concept of a Hindi identity from Rajasthan to Bihar exists. Whether breaking up into smaller states would really solve the problem of lack of development is really doubtful?

Though Sardar Patel is credited with absorption of princely states - Com EMS has shown that struggle for linguistic and cultural rights formed the basis of a framework of a modern, secular and democratic India- for this mere existence of linguistic identity was not enough.

Position on Linguistic Rights:

Solution of the languages question is part of the democratic reordering of the Indian Society- so far there are 22 scheduled languages with option open for further addition to the list

There should be equality of all Indian languages - formation of linguistic states helped in further development of the languages

There should be simultaneous translation into various Indian languages-use of only English and/ or Hindi as official languages is unscientific nd undemocratic.

Primary Education should be in mother tongue which requires more use in day to day life ->to bloom as states official language- it can reduce utility of English and people develop through own experience a composite link language

(softcopy generation and editing: Ms. Dimple Tyagi, all errors are however my responsibility)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Seminar: “Maoist Role”: 06.11.2009

Muktadhara Auditorium, Gol Market, New Delhi
Chair:Prabir Purakayastha,
Speakers: Prof. Jayati Ghosh, Prakash Karat

Extracted points/ significant submissions/ formulations

[I am sorry as this blogging site has removed some colouring/ formatting tools, the points and formulations I wanted to focus specifically, could not be presented that way; however those in italics are my own additions]

Prof. Jayati Ghosh:

Perceptions & positions

Romanticisation of Maoist mayhems as ‘Revolution’ by some Left leaning intelligentsia;

Maoists in particular and Naxals in general are do not participate in the fight against US-led imperialism; not bothered about issues ranging from agrarian crisis, unemployment, food security to Nuclear deal; take no position about it; in fact such movements the world over degenerate into instruments of backroom manoeuvres by imperialist agencies like CIA;

Violence coupled with lack of any vision of future after overthrow of the present system of exploitation, of the big bourgeois controlled state. They do not speak of Socialism, democratic rights for the underprivileged – this results in undermining the progressive positions of the mainstream Left & Democratic movement. It is an empty political agenda;

Attack/ annihilate cadres of the organised Leftist movement in particular areas; seek to disrupt/ obstruct mass mobilisation by Leftist movement on burning issues affecting the toiling people;

It is a Nihilistic, anarchist and romanticised response to capitalist exploitation and state repression;

Maoist violence and gore provoke revulsion among middle class against Leftist movement in general and legitimises Govt. repression on that movement and toiling people; also it creates political space for counter activities for a Right-wing reactionary movement like Salwa Judum;.

Like Narodniks of pre-revolution Tsarist Russia Maoists oppose industrialisation and lack any vision of development – its economic outlook is similar to that of Cambodia’s murderous ultra-Left Pol Pot regime in opposing industrialisation, perpetuation of an underdeveloped agrarian economy;

Ground Realities

Maoist infested areas are basically Dryland farming, tribal areas, currently suffering from agricultural distress over and above affected by the Capitalist course of uneven development, now brutally exposed to the unjust inequalities of the market forces;

The Maoist scourge worsens the material conditions – destruction of infrastructure etc. in the affected areas and makes life harder for the population living there;

Oppose poverty amelioration/ relief attempts like National Rural Employment Guarantee (NREGA) schemes; siphon off funds for Mid-day meals, primary health centres, destroy power, transport and communication facilities;

Maoist reliance on violence results in an endless cycle of violence – violence begets violence;

Maoist Kangaroo courts ‘punish’ or victimise only the hapless poor toiling people, no exploiting landlord is ever punished;

There is absolute intolerance towards differing opinion; it is silenced by gun; recall recent media reports about Maoists trying to eliminate its splinter groups in Bihar and Jharkhand;

Prabir Purakayastha

There is absolutely no attempt to analyse the class character of the Indian State – according to them India is still a colony – they are however silent on whose colony is India now?

Prakash Karat

Putting Maoists to place

It is a Left Sectarian anarchist trend – it accompanies growth of the organised Left & democratic movement in every country – to disrupt the very same movement – as Lenin has put it “petty – bourgeois driven to frenzy by the horrors of capitalist exploitation”;

It is not to be equated with other terroristic organisation like the Islamic Fundamentalists viz. LeT, HuJI etc., which never voice any social issue; Maoists however use violence as a major instrument in their politics;

In Maoists world view, South Asia is going through a revolutionary upsurge, which includes even the TALIBAN !!! This perceived upsurge is regarded as only next to the actual West Asian/ Palestinian upsurge against US – cum – Israeli state terror in that area;

What occurred and is parallely occurring

US - led imperialism is slowly entrenching itself strategically in South Asia and Maoists are silent about it;

Naxals ultimately sided with the Indian Ruling classes from the ’70s; they were therefore used as instruments of extermination against the Left & Democratic Movement – as Cong –Shals (Congress + Nakshals/Naxals) they killed 350 CPI-M cadres; such elimination was mostly concentrated during 1970 – 72;

CPI-M was sought to be isolated and physically attacked during 1970 – 71; since only CPI-M bore the brunt of such ruling class ferocity, no other party made a protest – the same thing is happening now in putting CPI-M under siege in West Bengal with other Left Parties hardly raising any voice against the “murder CPI-M” campaign;

[This blogger still remembers how CPI-M cadres in West Bengal still used to be doubly cautious about disclosing their political identities till mid – ’80s, i.e. even after 7-8 years of Left Front Rule in West Bengal]

Attacks on CPI-M - 1970s onwards (approx. 1,500 killed and 25,000 displaced from home/ place of work) were later widened into general onslaught on democracy during the EMERGENCY;

Popular rejection of Maoists in West Bengal

Maoists are repeating the same agenda now against CPI-M in West Medinipur, Bankura and Purulia Distts. of West Bengal; they say that their “boycott” of CPI-M and State Govt. Machinery in those areas is “successful”;

However, the tribals mostly supported CPI-M in West Medinipur as CPI-M won the Jhargram Lok Sabha constituency by the biggest margin in West Bengal, amidst widespread reverses particularly in South Bengal – Lok Sabha Elections, 2009;

Murderous spree of Mao-Mulis (Maoists + Trinamulis) is therefore the most desperate in West Medinipur, West Bengal. However, they have also targeted and killed CPI-M activists in Orissa, Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh;

Maoists weaken democratic mass movements

Maoists are nowhere known to be organisers of peasants in movement for land. Their predecessors Naxals too never organised peasants in movement for right to till and harvest land, even during the “spring thunder” at Naxalbari. All that they could achieve were diverting the developing peasants’ democratic movements from snatching surplus/ benami land from landlords to armed clashes with the Army or Police, giving the latter opportunity to launch repressive actions

It marginalises, displaces and diverts tribals’ democratic protest movements against dispossessing from forest rights, loss of tribal habitat etc., by adopting violent means, which invites Govt. repression. They operate from deep forests dwelt by tribals not for any concern for their miseries but because the terrain tactically suits their armed guerrilla operations

Only in Srikakulam Distt. of Andhra Pradesh did Naxals organise some peasant movement; there too, once they adopted violent means, police and para – military forces mowed down the movement and exterminated the leadership. Hardly, any Naxals survive there now. The only prominent surviving leader, viz. Com. Chaudhuri Tejeswara Rao acknowledges the strategic mistakes and has now returned to lead the mainstream Left movement. He is presently the Secretary, CPI-M, Srikakulam Distt. Despite the sharp ideological differences and their wrong political – tactical line, CPI-M always appreciated the heroisms and personal sacrifices made/ hardships faced by such deviated leaders of the original Naxalite movement (refer: )

In an article, Prakash Karat predicted in 1985 that Naxals would keep splitting into splinter groups but would stage a comeback as grounds exist in certain areas of the country for such a possibility;

They keep extorting money (thousands of crores of rupees) from contractors, Govt. officials, industrialists, goods consignment transporters etc. in Chhatisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand; as they are now almost driven out of Andhra Pradesh, their original area of operation;

[This blogger also remembers recent media reports about how Maoists force tribal families at gun-point to let their teenagers join their ranks, turn them into ruthless killers and while similarly exploit the women in their ranks sexually]

Maoists’ “boycott of bourgeois parliamentary elections” is a farce, as they often negotiate with one bourgeois party, gives it covert support and enforce “boycott” of the opponent candidate;

Political combat vs. Banning Maoists

Ban seldom achieves suppression of such extremists, they regroup under different names; however, their violence – “elimination of the class-enemy”, in reality only the lowest level police personnel, army jawans, Govt. officials, teachers, doctors & nurses and political activists, no big-bourgeois/ landlord worth the name, need to be tackled administratively;

Ultra-Left groups like PWG of Andhra Pradesh and MCC of Bihar/ Jharkhand were already in the ban schedule of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. Their regrouped synergy as “Maoists”, made them more lethal, so the only addition is of Maoists in the ban list.

Extremist organisations are not mere terrorists. So, ban under Unlawful Activities Prevention Act backfires and is hence opposed by CPI-M. The need is to fight them politically – organisationally.

UPA Govt. and PM Manmohan Singh acknowledges lack of development in the tribal areas – Privatisation of Mines & Minerals in the forested and tribal populated – dispossession of tribals – depredations of MNCs and Big bourgeois help sometimes the Maoists to strike a chord with the tribals

The hapless population of the affected areas gets caught in the crossfire; security forces which come from outside are usually unable to distinguish between the Maoists and the locals. While the guerrilla warfare trained Maoists can escape to deep forests, the locals usually face paramilitary repression.

Maoists have a special ire against CPI-M – as the latter fights it politically, organisationally and ideologically; Naxals ceased to have any base in rural/ tribal Bengal after successful implementation of Land Reforms in West Bengal.

Murderous spree of Mao-Mulis is with the objective to prevent CPI-M, West Bengal unit from working among the people – particularly the peasants and tribals

Mao-Mulis physically eliminate and uproot CPI-M cadre, particularly peasant activists, village after village in West Bengal and turn them into refugees in one’s own country; if any CPI-M sympathiser is left in the area, he/ his family has to face heavy extortion, denial of livelihood, live with constant fear of life and is compelled at gun – point to join Mao-Mulis’ meetings

“Civil Society” romancing Maoists

Maoists Left – Sectarian Appeal makes the urban intelligentsia romance it – Big business media highlights it to black out the organised Left – but the romanticisation has now become difficult in West Bengal, especially after the Maoists’ leader Kishanji confirmed several times their “joint – enterprise” with Mamata Banerji

The actual impact of the ultra – Left phraseology, of disrupting the genuine peoples struggle against the Big – bourgeois + Landlord rule and imperialist exploitation needs to be exposed through political – ideological struggle

Maoists borrow their concepts wholesale from the Left-sectarian and adventurist period of Chinese “Cultural Revolution”; for them India, like pre – revolution China, is still semi-colonial and semi-feudal; refuse to see the strong development of Capitalist industry and even Capitalist agriculture; therefore working class movement has no place in their politics

International experience of the fate of ultra – Left movements:

“Prachanda” of Nepal Maoists have denied any organisational contact with the Indian Maoists

Senderno Luminoso” – the “Shining Path” Maoist movement of Peru got its popular appeal on a/c of the repressions let loose by the US backed military junta – lastly from the brutalities of Alberto Fujimori; however, return of democracy in Peru made them fail to adapt to the new political situation, caused organisational disarray and withering of their political appeal;

Similarly the “New Peoples’ Army” of the Philipino Communist Party, once controlling large tracts of that country failed to adapt to the democratic polity after overthrow of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos and is so diminished organisationally that not much of Left politics is left in that country