Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pricks on the question of Quantum Mechanics of Black Holes

# What caused the unimaginably high temperature at the time of the big bang singularity, which was concentrated at the unimaginably small dimensions at that time?

# In a black hole singularity, the event horizon does not let any energy (photons) to get away from it: so how could the big band singularity allow so much of energy and matter to move away from one another? Was there no event horizon? Was the big bang singularity naked?

# What could be the nature of matter within a singularity? Do all the probability waves associated with all the particles compressed into the singularity get joined and acquire relevance and meaning only over a region of space time far smaller than even the dimensions of subatomic particles?

# How far does the nature of matter within a black hole type of singularity differ from the known forms of matter? It is because while the mass of black holes still remain perceptible through its gravitational effects but the wave properties of the black hole mass/energy go outside the possibility of measurement/perception/ detection because of the event horizon-from which no photon can escape.

# How does Hawking radiation affect the event horizon of a black hole? Why does the space time curvature change so very rapidly near the event horizon of a black hole so much so that particle-anti-particle pairs are generated out of the quantum fluctuations of force fields outside the event horizons? Why does/or how can change in the value of space-time curvature (which is caused by gravity) cause quantum fluctuations in the force fields of types not related to independent of gravity?

# Does the theory of Quantum Gravity attempt to link the electric charges of electrons and protons with that of the gravitational mass of these particles, particularly when these are compressed inside a black hole singularity? How far is the net electric charge of a given mass of particles indestructible?

# Prof Stephen Hawking has postulated that a black hole, after losing a critical amount of mass, through processes like Hawking radiation ends up with violent outburst. Is the critical limit somewhat same as the "Chandrasekhar Limit" of two solar masses? Does the final violent outburst occur on account of the operation the "Pauli's Exclusion Principle"?

# Energy expenditure through axial jets and swirling and spiraling dust and debris moving at the speed of light to fall into a black hole consumes and saps away lot of energy from a black hole, Is that factor more important in evaporation of a black hole than that by the factor of Hawking radiation?

# Normally a black hole, especially those at the galactic centers of a spiral galaxy, nest in lot of interstellar dust and debris, whose movements extort lot of energy away from a black hole: Is it possible then for the mass, energy or value of force fields neighbouring a black hole to be near zero, so that its quantum fluctuations would become important for Hawking radiation to occur?

(softcopy generation and editing: Ms. Ritika Manchanda, all errors are however my responsibility)